Are You A Swatter Or A Hitter?
Golf is a tough game. You are attempting to hit a small ball with a clubhead that is not necessarily that large. Unlike other sports, the target is usually smaller and if you don’t hit it the specified or general area, golf becomes an adventure!
There are so many things to think about in the golf swing and as humans we make it more complicated than it is. Most important, we attempt to play without any help from a professional and too much help from those who don’t do it any better than we do.
As in anything worth doing, there is a process in learning to play golf. Most of us start out just trying to “whack it” and it usually goes downhill from there because you have to find the ball to play.
After 50 plus years of teaching, I have learned so much and still learning daily. Here’s my take on starting the game and building a plan to progress.
· The hands must understand what the clubface is doing to repeat hitting the ball solid…….solid is related to ball flight
· Golf is a rotational sport… must learn the core plays the key role in all golf swings
· Fundamentals never go away…..they are a constant work in progress
· You must play on a regular basis to get better…….work on your swing motion during a lesson or a range session…… on shot making and scoring when you play
Be systematic about learning to put the clubface on the ball. When you begin making consistently solid contact, it gets to be fun!
Create your own system and follow it:
· Fundamentals: grip, posture / balance, alignement, ball position
· Work on swing motion with short shots & clubs until you hit it solid….work into longer clubs as shots get better
· Take it to the golf course as many times as possible
Don’t be a waver or swatter at the golf ball……learn a swing motion that lets you feel a solid hit every time!
Ray cutright
Pga master professional, instruction